입양인 강제추방을 중단하라!

평생 미국 시민권자라고 믿고 있다가 성인이 된지 한참 지나서야 그렇지 않다는 걸 알게 된 상황을 상상해 보세요. 절차상의 오류로 인해 강제추방당하는 처지는 어떨까요. 우리중 대다수가 해외에서 태어나 미국에 입양된 지인들을 알고 있습니다. 2차세계대전이 끝난 이후부터 50만명이 넘는 어린이들이 미국 가정에 입양되었습니다. 하지만 우리의 입양인 가족이나 배우자, 친구, 동료들은 어렸을 때 미국 시민권을 보장받지 못했습니다.

이 청원서에 서명하셔서, 연방의회에 2019 입양인시민권법 통과를 청원해 주세요. 여러분의 서명은 입양인 주도단체인 정의를 위한 입양인을 통해 전달됩니다.

End the Deportation of Adoptees Now!

Imagine learning as an adult that you are not a U.S. citizen after believing for your whole life that you were. Imagine getting deported because the process failed you. Many of us know someone who was adopted from another country. Over 500,000 children have been adopted by American families since the end of World War II. But many of our adopted family members, partners, friends, and co-workers did not have their U.S. citizenship secured when they were children.

Tell Congress to SUPPORT the Adoptee Citizenship Act of 2019 by signing THIS PETITION. These signatures will be delivered by Adoptees For Justice, an adoptee-led organization.

For the Presidential Debates, we rallied and our DACAmented leaders spoke out

Prior to the debates, our community leaders and advocates joined the #FreeOurPeople Rally! NAKASEC was excited to join a rally with United We Dream, SEIU Texas, Texas Organizing Project, Workers Defense Action Fund, and Fight For 15 Texas where speakers talked about immigrant and worker justice, and demanded closing all detention centers. 

During the debate, our DACAmented leaders let the country know DACA is at risk. On the evening of the Democratic Presidential Debate, September 12, 2019, four DACAmented young leaders from NAKASEC spoke out at the debate to uplift the upcoming Supreme Court case on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

California tenants will see cap on rent increases under bill sent to Newsom (Los Angeles Times)

SACRAMENTO —  Tenants across California will for the first time have protections against how much landlords can increase their rents after legislators on Wednesday narrowly approved a measure to cap annual rent hikes.
Under Assembly Bill 1482, most yearly rent increases over the next decade will be limited to 5% plus inflation and tenants will receive protections against being evicted without cause. Gov. Gavin Newsom, who brokered the deal that led to its passage, pledged to sign the bill in a statement issued immediately after the vote. The rent caps would take effect Jan. 1.

Opinion: Why Trump Fears Women of Color (New York Times)

Women of color, especially black women, are potent forces in progressive politics, both in office and as organizers who mobilize voters. It seems that liberals take this for granted, but conservatives tacitly recognize the political power of women of color when they try to discredit them through ridicule and harassment. A new report called “Ahead of the Majority,” by the AAPI Civic Engagement Fund and Groundswell Fund uses recently released census data, polling data from the 2018 midterm elections and interviews with community organizers to illuminate the political power of women of color. Their numbers are growing, and they are turning out to vote; mobilizing their families, friends and communities; and taking to the streets.

민족학교 외 11개 단체, 트럼프의 공적부담 확대안에 위헌 소송 제기

민족학교를 비롯해 전국이민법률센터 등 흑인, 라티노, 이슬람계, 일하는 가정, 농장 노동자들을 대변하는 전국의 12개 이민자 권익 및 민권 단체들은 최근 발표된 트럼프 행정부의 "공적 부담 확대안" 규정이 미국 수정 헌법 5조의 평등보호조항을 위반하는 인종차별적인 요소를 담고 있어 트럼프 대통령, 국토안보부와 이민국을 대상으로 위헌 소송을 8월 16일 제기했습니다. 트럼프의 인종차별적인 언사와 행정부의 인종차별적인 정책, 그리고 공적부담 확대안이 일하는 가정, 유색인종 이민자들에게 더 큰 영향을 끼친다는 것을 인정한 행정부의 행보를 종합해 볼 때 이번 확대안이 인종차별적인 의도를 가지고 추진되었다는 점은 자명합니다. 


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