Health Access Program

The Korean Resource Center’s Health Access Program seeks to improve the health status of Korean Americans, foster a belief that health care should be incorporated into our daily lives and ensure Korean American representation in the health policy, funding, and education.

Our Goals

  1. To expand eligibility for public health benefits;
  2. To increase the number of affordable private health insurance options;
  3. To increase Korean American enrollment in public and private health insurance plans;
  4. To improve language access to public health coverage and private health insurance; and
  5. To provide medical services through the establishment of a local free clinic

Korean Resource Center provides low income families, seniors and children with free consultation on accessing to federal or state government sponsored health care programs which include Healthy Families, Healthy Kids, Medi-Cal for children and Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM), and assists them in filling out application forms for those programs.
Click here if you would like to see a list of documents requested for applying for several services sponsored by County of Los Angeles.

Work Areas

Community Health Alert (Sept. 2006)
Community Groups
Community Health Promoters (Seniors), Parents for America's Children
Language Access Rights
Medi-Cal Campaign, Language Service
Health Services
Health Day, Community Clinics
Health and Social Services
California State Budget, Immigrant Day, Federal Budget
Seniors' Benefits, Medi-Cal, Medicare, Medicare Part D, IHSS
Children's Benefits, Medi-Cal, Healthy Families, Healthy Kids
Pregnant Women's Benefits
Medi-Cal, AIM
Emergency Medi-Cal