New Report Reveals Broad Impact of Health Reform Proposals on Ethnic Communities in California

Having Our Say Coalition Logo
Media Advisory
August 9, 2007

For Immediate Release

Contact: Ellen Wu, (510) 832-1160
Isabel Alegria, (510) 541-5428
Sarah Mercer, (916) 205-0860

New Report Reveals Broad Impact of Health Reform Proposals on Ethnic Communities in California
Statewide Coalition Calls on Lawmakers to Prepare for the Newly Insured

WHAT: Release of a new report, co-authored by UCLA Associate Professor Ninez Ponce, highlighting data from the California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) on the composition of the newly insured under proposals being debated by California lawmakers. The report, Health Care Reform Proposals Hold Promise for Diverse Communities: Getting California Ready, identifies a significant increase in health coverage for low-income and communities of color under specific health reform proposals.

The report, commissioned by the Having Our Say Coalition – more than 30 health care groups in California, calls on Governor Schwarzenegger and state legislators to adopt policies that will guarantee equal access and affordable coverage, and ensure that culturally and linguistically appropriate care is provided so that we have a system that works for everyone.

Thursday, August 16, 2007
10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

WHO: Having Our Say Coalition. Speakers include:
· Ninez Ponce, PhD, Associate Professor, Center for Health Policy Research, UCLA School of Public Health
· Ellen Wu, Executive Director, California Pan-Ethnic Health Network
· Moderator: Reshma Shamusunder, Director, California Immigrant Policy Center

WHERE: The event is a Teleconference. The call-in number is 800- 811-8830.

WHY: "California has a remarkable opportunity now to secure policies that will increase access to health insurance for millions of consumers in California," said Ellen Wu, Executive Director of the California Pan-Ethnic Health Network, a coalition member of Having Our Say. "This increase will benefit millions of low-income working families, who currently have little if any access to our health care system. At the same time California must take the lead to ensure that those newly insured have access to services that are culturally and linguistic appropriate to maximize successful health outcomes."

