Uprising Election Special: From the Campus of Cal State LA

Uprising Radio 2-4-08

GUESTS: Norman Solomon, Founder and Executive Director of the Institute for Public Accuracy, author of several books including “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death,” and his latest, “Made Love, Got War: Close Encounters with America’s Warfare State;” Lamont Yeakey, Associate professor of History at Cal State LA and former member of the KPFK Local Station Board; Eun Sook Lee, Executive Director of National Korean American Service & Education Consortium

It’s the day before “Super Duper Tuesday,” and this week, we take Uprising on the road to college campuses around Southern California. Today we’re live at Cal State LA, broadcasting in front of a live audience of students and faculty, at the university’s Faculty Club. Our topic of discussion is of course tomorrow’s historic primary elections. Californians, along with Americans from 21 other states, will go to the polls to choose their party’s presidential nominees.

With Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards bowing out earlier than expected, the field has narrowed down to only two contenders among the Democrats. Hillary Clinton was busy sweeping up some last-minute supporters at this campus on Saturday. The New York Senator’s lead over her rival, Barack Obama, has narrowed considerably since last Thursday’s debate at the Kodak Theater.

Because the Democratic Party’s primary election system is based on winning proportional delegates - by congressional district rather than the winner-take-all system the Republicans use - a clear winner may not emerge even after Tuesday’s races. In other words, a candidate may walk away with a considerable number of delegates even if he or she lost the state. Among the Republicans, John McCain is emerging as a front runner, with new polls placing him well ahead of his nearest rival, Mitt Romney.
