After 36 days and 1,784 miles, Dream Riders have completed a #Journey2Justice!

After 36 days and 1,784 miles, the Dream Riders have arrived in San Diego and finished the #Journey2Justice bike tour on September 5th, the one year anniversary of President Trump rescinding DACA. Watch the livestream of our closing rally here! On this journey, our young people visited 33 cities and spoke with over 1,000 community folks about the importance of full citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants and 35,000 intercountry adoptees.

This is only the beginning!

The Journey to Justice Bike Tour may be over, but NAKASEC & Affiliates' campaign for #Citizenship4All has only just begun. We will continue organizing, mobilizing our base, and amplifying our message for a pathway to citizenship and basic human rights for all non-citizens.

Be sure to keep up to date with our website as we share the stories we have heard and shared from the Journey to Justice. Also, follow us on all social media for future updates on our #Citizenship4All campaign!

Special thank you to our supporters & allies!

The Dream Riders and NAKASEC & Affiliates would like to express our gratitude towards everyone who gave our riders shelter, sponsored a meal, donated, and listened to their lived experiences and human truths. You all made this historic and memorable journey possible!

Donate to our #Citizenship4All campaign!