Call Porter to co-sponsor a clean DREAM Act!

On March 12, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard introduced H.R. 6, The Dream and Promise Act, to protect Dreamers and TPS (Temporary Protected Status) and DED (Deferred Enforced Departure) recipients. The bill allows Dreamers and individuals with TPS and DED status to contribute fully to the country they love and know to be their home by providing a pathway to citizenship.

Congressmember Katie Porter has not yet co-sponsored the Dream and Promise act. We are urging our members to call the congressmember and ask her to co-sponsor the Dream and Promise Act.

Call: please call both offices if possible, thank you!

● DC office: (202) 225-5611
● Irvine office: (949) 668-6600

Hi, my name is _________ and I am a constituent of Congressmember Katie Porter. I am calling to urge the Congresswoman to co-sponsor the Dream and Promise Act. This bill will protect young immigrants across the country and offer protection from deportation for immigrants who cannot return to their home countries due to a crisis, such as natural disaster, epidemic, or civil war.

When the DREAM act was reintroduced in 2017, we collected over 4,000 postcards in Congressional District 45 in support of a clean DREAM act. We also reached out to over 5,000 Asian American voters and 74% have said that they support a clean DREAM act. We still want a clean DREAM act today.

Please make the right decision by co-sponsoring the Dream and Promise Act for the future of America because these young people are the future.

Thank you and please keep in mind that many of your constituents want a clean Dream and Promise Act passed with no unnecessary enforcement provisions.


Hi, my name is _________ and I am a [member / student] at [organization / school]. I am calling to urge Congresswoman Katie Porter to co-sponsor the Dream and Promise Act. This bill will protect young immigrants across the country and offer protection from deportation for immigrants who cannot return to their home countries due to a crisis, such as natural disaster, epidemic, or civil war.

When the DREAM act was reintroduced in 2017, we collected over 4,000 postcards in Congressional District 45 in support of a clean DREAM act. We also reached out to over 5,000 Asian American voters and 74% have said that they support a clean DREAM act. We still want a clean DREAM act today.

Please make the right decision by co-sponsoring the Dream and Promise Act for the future of America because these young people are the future.

Thank you and please keep in mind that many of your constituents want a clean Dream and Promise Act passed with no unnecessary enforcement provisions.