Get Involved - #Citizenship4All!
We believe that everyone should become a citizen and actively participate in the social, political and economic fabric of the nation. We are carrying out a multifaceted campaign that reflects these values. Join us and steer history in the direction of justice.
Health for All
We are working in the community to bring health for everyone - expanding the Medi-Cal program to all regardless of immigration status.
Protecting Immigrants
We are distributing information for immigrants to defend their basic rights when meeting immigration officials, both in pamphlet format and as smartphone app, and operating a hotline for immigrants to call when detained by immigration to receive basic information and be referred to immigration attorneys.
Everyone Deserves a Roof
It’s time to respond to the needs of people without housing with humanity, respect, and kindness. Join us in the fight for a better Koreatown for all.
Every Dollar Counts
Contribute now and help move the campaign forward. Your donation supports young people mobilizing for justice, innovative naturalization and voter registration initiatives, and strengthen and make the United States a better place to live for all.
Citizenship and Voter Registration
We are building upon twenty years of civic engagement work this year by continuing to help over 5,000 permanent resident immigrants apply for citizenship (directly and by addressing questions) and register students and new citizens to vote, through individual appointments, traditional workshops as well as cutting edge, text-mediated systems. We plan to purchase a van to ensure we are providing service to more areas where help is needed.